Selling or trading in?
At Wasan Group of Companies, we'll buy your car even if you don't buy our. Stop by anytime or make an appointment below.
Sell your car, simply
Come in on your time and leave with payment in hand.
Come in on your time and leave with payment in hand.

Tell us about your car
Ready to sell? Stop by anytime we're open or schedule your fast, free appraisal in advance.

Get your offer
Our offer is good for 7 days and stays the same whether you trade in or simply sell.

Make your decision
You can take payment, apply to trade-in, or give yourself a week to think about it.
How we determine your offer
Our trained appraisers average more than 5 years experience.Vehicle condition
Inside and out, from upholstery wear to frame damage.
Features & options
The packages, features, and options that make your car unique.
Vehicle history report
Servicing and accident records give a good insight into a vehicle's background.
How your car drives
We'll perform a test drive to check things like the brakes and steering.
What you will need to sell or trade in
There are a few items that you'll need no matter where you're located. Requirements for selling your car can vary from state to state, so contact your local CarMax if you have questions about what you'll need to bring with you.Car Title
Your car's title or payoff information. All titleholders should be present.
Valid and current vehicle registration. This is to confirm ownership.
Valid ID
Valid state-issued photo ID for all titleholders.
All keys and remotes (if originals are missing, your offer may need to be adjusted)
Questions and answers
Can I sell my car to Wasan Group without buying a car from Wasan Group?
Yes, and our offer will be the same whether you’re buying from us or not.
How do you determine my offer?
How do I get paid for my car?
Do you buy leased cars?
Do I have to sell my car at the same location that gave me an offer?
You may sell your car at any Wasan Group location with the same written offer for seven days. If your appraisal was completed more than seven days ago, we will re-appraise your car and provide an updated offer.
Can I sell a car on behalf of a company?
What do I need to sell my car?
Do I need an appointment to get an offer on my car?